16 things your cats do for you without you knowing

We love cats, our rescue kitten Lychee and rescue cat Tiger are so precious to us. As responsible cat owners and animal lovers, we strive to keep our feline friends happy, healthy, and engaged. However, many of us may not realise the numerous ways our cats reciprocate our care in their own special ways that you might not have noticed.

Here are 16 surprising things your cat does for you every day, often without you even noticing. Email us and Let us know which you already knew and if you have any more to add to our list. 10 and 16 surprised us the most.

1. Cats Comfort You When You Are Sad

Cats are incredibly intuitive and can sense when their owners are feeling down. Through auditory and visual observations, they understand emotional cues from humans. If your cat sees a frown or hears crying, they often come closer, purring and rubbing against you to offer comfort. Their presence can provide immense emotional support during tough times. We have experienced this many times, but our Corgi senses us feeling sad even more than our cats do.

2. They Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety

Petting and cuddling your cat can produce a calming effect, thanks to the release of oxytocin in the brain. This feel-good chemical helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. In fact, studies have shown that cat owners are 30 percent less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke over a ten-year period compared to non-cat owners. We often experience the calming and meditative effect when stroking our cats.

3. They Make You More Attractive

Survey findings by British pet researchers indicate that women are more likely to be attracted to men who like animals. Men who own cats are often perceived as nicer and more caring. While listing a cat on your dating profile might increase your responses, remember that a cat is a lifelong commitment. What do you think about this, would you be more likely to date a man or woman with a cat?

4. They Greet You When You Come Home

Unlike other adult cats, domesticated cats meow to communicate with humans. When your cat meows to greet you as you come home, they are simply saying, “Welcome back!” This unique form of communication strengthens the bond between you and your feline friend. Our kitten Lychee doesn’t meow when we come home but if he’s not busy sleeping he will walk to the door to curiously see what’s happening. Tiger will sometime meow from her bedroom if she’s like us to come and give her a cuddle or feed her some snacks.

5. They Heal Your Wounds and Strengthen Your Bones

A cat’s purr, which vibrates at a frequency of 25 to 150 Hertz, has been linked to various healing benefits. These frequencies can improve bone density, repair tendons, and promote overall healing. So, when your cat purrs, they might be providing you with more than just comfort. I like to meditate and meditating next to a purring cat is very calming and when you can slow down your thoughts and really connect with those vibrations it’s a lovely experience.

6. They Check Your Cleanliness

When your cat licks you, it’s a form of grooming and a sign of affection. This behaviour mirrors how mother cats groom their kittens and is a way for your cat to show they care about your well-being. Licking also serves a social function, marking you as part of their social group.

7. They Care for You When You Are Sick

Cats can detect chemical changes in your body caused by illness through their acute sense of smell. There are numerous anecdotal reports of cats becoming more attentive and clingy when their owners are sick. Some cats have even been known to alert their owners to serious health issues, such as impending seizures or heart attacks.

8. They Protect You When You Sleep

Many cats choose to sleep near their owners as a protective measure. In the wild, animals huddle together for warmth and safety. By sleeping close to you, your cat helps keep both of you safe and warm, while also showing their affection.

9. They Keep Your Pests Under Control

Cats are natural hunters, and having a cat can help keep your home free of rodents and insects. Many cats enjoy hunting house flies, spiders, and other bugs, providing a natural pest control solution.

10. They Help You Live Longer

Scientific research suggests that cat owners tend to live longer than those without pets. The companionship and stress relief provided by cats can help alleviate tension, reduce loneliness, and lower blood pressure, all contributing to a longer, healthier life.

11. They Boost Your Immune System

A study published in the scientific journal Pediatrics found that children who grow up with cats have a lower predisposition to general illness and recover more quickly when they do get sick. This is because exposure to pet dander stimulates and strengthens the immune system.

12. They Help You Sleep Better

Sleeping with your cat not only reinforces your bond but also has other benefits. Cats can help you relax, stay warm in winter, and provide emotional security, especially for children. Interestingly, many people report sleeping better with their cat than with their partner.

13. They Fulfill Your Need for Companionship

Cats can be just as good companions as dogs. Though often perceived as aloof, cats develop strong bonds with their favorite humans and offer constant cuddles that help stave off social isolation. A study in 2003 found that having a cat is emotionally equivalent to having a romantic partner.

14. They Bring You Food

Your cat might bring you “presents” like a dead mouse or bug as a sign of affection and gratitude. This behavior is rooted in their natural hunting instincts and their desire to share their bounty with their family.

15. They Protect Your Baby

Cats have strong maternal instincts and can become protective of new additions to the family. They often watch over babies, ensuring no harm comes to their little humans. There are many reports of cats protecting their owners from potential threats, including other animals and even humans.

16. They Reduce the Risk of Allergies

Living with a cat exposes you to pet dander, which can stimulate your immune system and reduce the risk of developing allergies and asthma. Studies show that children who grow up with pets are less likely to develop pet allergies and are also protected against other common allergies.

Final thoughts

These are just a few of the many ways cats enrich our lives every day. Whether they are comforting us when we are sad, helping us relax, or keeping our homes pest-free, our feline friends play an invaluable role in our well-being. If you have any stories or experiences to share about how your cat has positively impacted your life, feel free to leave a comment below.

2 thoughts on “16 things your cats do for you without you knowing”

  1. Not sure about #12. They usually wake me up for some loving. Love all animals but especially cats. I have 9 inside cats and 1 outside cat.

    • Thank Sharon, we also aren’t so sure about 12, although its usually our Corgi rolling around on the bed that
      ‘s more likely to wake us up 🙂


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