Abandoned dog paws at car windows begging for rescue

Nothing makes us feel more angry and upset than when we hear about a pet owner driving somewhere and abandoning their dog in an unknown place. If you are a dog lover you’ll know that dog’s fall in love with their owners and are extremely loyal.

If you have a dog in your family, you become their whole life, all the fun they have, walkies, experiences and food come from the choices you make and the bond formed between you both. We can’t imagine ever abandoning our dog Teeny, we love her so much and would never do that in a million years.

images and story source credited to paw love YouTube.

When we came across this story of a little brown teddy dog abandoned from a white car by its owners, we couldn’t believe it. What on earth must have been going through the owners mind. Life can be tough and we understand things happen but abandoning a dog in the middle of nowhere is extremely cruel and can very easily cost a dog its life.

This little brown Teddy didn’t give up though. He jumped up on as many white cars as possible desperate to find his family again. It wasn’t to be, they weren’t coming back but he was in luck.

After pawing at white cars for a while, on a rainy day somebody noticed him and wanted to help. The little teddy dog was soaking wet. The owner of the car opened the door wide and called for the dog to jump in. He knew it wasn’t his owner, he was cold and wet but nervous to jump into a strangers car.

The car owner couldn’t help but pet the cute and sweet dog that looked so in need of help. He used to be somebodies pet but now he is all wet and cold and in need of a good meal. As they begin to pet him, he’s ok with it and they are able to guide him into their car.

When they get him home they dry him off with a hairdryer and put on a warm doggy jumper. He now has a warm home and doesn’t have to search for his past owner anymore. It’s so tough out on the streets for abandoned dogs who have no experience fending for themselves and trying to find food.

These people rescuing this baby are angels and saved his life. Watch this teddy dog rescued in the video below and read on to learn more about why people might abandoned their dogs and what can be done to try to stop it happening.

Why Do People Abandon Dogs From Their Cars?

While abandoning a dog from a car is an act of cruelty that most pet owners cannot fathom, there are various reasons why some individuals might resort to this heartbreaking action:

  1. Financial Hardship: Economic struggles can make it difficult for some people to afford pet care. Veterinary bills, food, and other pet-related expenses can become overwhelming, leading some to make desperate decisions.
  2. Behavioral Issues: Dogs with behavioral problems can be challenging to manage. Owners may feel unequipped to handle issues like aggression, anxiety, or excessive barking, leading them to abandon the pet rather than seek help.
  3. Life Changes: Significant changes such as moving, divorce, or the birth of a child can disrupt a household. In such cases, pets might be viewed as an additional burden, and abandoning them might seem like a quick solution.
  4. Lack of Commitment: Some people underestimate the responsibility of owning a pet. They might acquire a dog on impulse, only to realize later that they are not prepared for the long-term commitment required.
  5. Misguided Beliefs: There are misconceptions that pets can easily survive in the wild or that someone else will take them in if they are left in a public place. This belief leads to the abandonment of pets in areas where they are unlikely to find help.
  6. Inadequate Resources: Lack of access to animal shelters or rehoming resources can leave some pet owners feeling that they have no other option but to abandon their pets.

How to Prevent Dog Abandonment

  • Education: Raising awareness about the responsibilities of pet ownership can help potential pet owners make informed decisions before bringing a dog into their home.
  • Support: Providing resources and support for pet owners facing challenges, such as financial aid for veterinary care or access to behavioral training, can reduce the likelihood of abandonment.
  • Adoption Counseling: Rescue organizations can offer counseling to ensure that adopters are fully prepared for the commitment of pet ownership.
  • Community Programs: Establishing community programs that help rehome pets or provide temporary foster care can give owners more options than abandonment.

Understanding the reasons behind such actions can help in developing strategies to prevent future cases of abandonment and ensure that pets find the loving homes they deserve.

3 thoughts on “Abandoned dog paws at car windows begging for rescue”

  1. I found this very hard to watch. It’s not only heartbreaking, it’s also enraging. No matter how difficult it may become for a dog owner to keep their dog, for any reason whatsoever, there are options & alternatives much kinder, more compassionate, & above all more humane. There’s no need to dump a poor innocent, defenseless dog little dog in heavy in the rain. All I could think of is how wonderful it would have made me feel if I personally came across this situation & had the privilege & the opportunity to get out of my car & pick this little dog up & take him home with me. The desperation & the fear he is going through is so obvious by seeing how high he jumped up the side of the car, and how persistent he was in trying to get the driver’s attention through the widow. It hurts mind & soul. I know there are thousands of cases like this, of dog abandonment, but seeing something like this really brings home the depth of the cruelty & how unnecessary it is to expose your dog to this kind of danger & fear when there are so many more humane options available. Sometimes I wish I could “unsee” videos like this, but it certainly opens one’s eyes to real world of animal abuse & abandonment.

    • Hi Woody, it is heartbreaking and enraging to see this, we also can’t believe people are capable of such cruel acts to a cute innocent creature. here in China, we have had some really challenging experiences when it comes to animals being abandoned. We try to share positive stories but opening peoples eyes to some of the challenges and realities of animal rescue and animal abandonment can be very helpful.


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