An 80 year old ladies incredible annual 900km trek with a horse and dog.

Images and story source credited to SWNS YouTube.

At 80 years old, Jane Dotchin embodies the spirit of adventure as she embarks on her annual trek from England to the Scottish Highlands, a tradition she began in 1972. With her eyepatch and indomitable spirit, Jane’s journey spans seven weeks and covers an impressive 600 miles.

A Lifetime of Exploration

Every year, Jane packs her saddlebags onto her trusty pony, Diamond, and sets off from her home near Hexham, Northumberland. This year, on August 31, she began her trek with Diamond, now 13 years old, and her disabled Jack Russell, Dinky, from her off-grid smallholding. Together, they travel between 15 and 20 miles a day, making their way to Inverness.

The Challenges of Modern Travel

Despite her age and visual impairment, Jane is determined to continue her travels for as long as she can. The roads are more dangerous than they used to be, with increased traffic and a lack of consideration for horse riders. Jane notes that many drivers today have little to no experience with animals, making her journeys more challenging.

Dinky: The Saddlebag Companion

Dinky, her 10-year-old Jack Russell, has deformed front feet and cannot walk long distances. Instead, he rides comfortably in a saddlebag, enjoying the scenery from his elevated position. Jane ensures that all necessary supplies are packed, including her tent, food, and a few personal belongings, to make the journey as smooth as possible.

The Journey’s Purpose

Jane’s yearly trek is more than just an adventure; it is a journey filled with meaning and connections. Over the years, she has built relationships with many kind-hearted people along her route. These annual visits allow her to reconnect with friends and acquaintances who look forward to her return each year.

A Testament to Resilience

Jane’s story is a heartwarming reminder of the power of resilience, the bond between humans and animals, and the kindness that exists in the world. Despite her visual impairment and the challenges posed by modern traffic, Jane’s familiarity with her routes and the supportive community she has built enable her to continue her adventures with confidence.

Image of the Scottish highlands

As she travels to the Highlands, Jane Dotchin’s journey serves as an inspiration to all, demonstrating that age and physical limitations are no barriers to living a life filled with adventure and connection. Her annual trek is a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration and the deep bonds that can form between humans and their animal companions. Watch an interview with this amazing lady below.

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