a disabled kitty wants to run with his mum.

If you are an animal lover like us, you’ll know what it feels like to love all animals, big small, sick or disabled. In animal rescue work we have come across sick and disabled animals before. In this story a beautiful soul finds a disabled kitten and I think we can all feel the emotion at what happens next.

A cat’s cry echoed through a house locals heard it and called in rescuers to search for the cat. Despite their best efforts, the origin of the loud wails remained elusive. The person who first heard the sound was certain it came from inside.

Then, a wary cat entered through the door. She glanced around cautiously, avoiding people. As everyone retreated to give her space, the cat approached the source of the sound, acting protectively. She soon disappeared into the shadows, and moments later, a tiny, distressed kitten emerged.

story and photos source credited to Kritter Klub

The kitten, with crooked hind legs, struggled to follow its mother. Mother cat returned, calling for the kitten forward, but the journey proved too difficult. The kitten tried to jump up a step, but its injured legs made it nearly impossible. As someone approached, the frightened kitten scurried away, hiding once more.

A local resident who had been observing the cat and her kitten for two days confirmed that the mother cat had been nursing the kitten. However, the kitten’s condition had worsened, and its hind legs appeared severely injured. The mother cat reappeared as night fell, checking on her baby but keeping her distance.

disabled kitten trying to climb step

Determined to rescue the kitten, a team of experts gathered at dawn. The mother cat watched from afar as they carefully removed a dresser, revealing the terrified kitten. Despite its attempts to flee, they managed to capture it, providing a bittersweet moment of relief.

The kitten was rushed to the vet, where an X-ray revealed severe damage: a fractured fifth vertebra and a rib pressing on its spinal nerves, likely caused by someone stamping on or hitting him rather than a car accident. The vet explained that the kitten had been abused, and its condition was critical. The mother cat had moved her baby to a safer place, knowing the dangers it faced if left exposed.

Surgery was the next step, but the vet’s findings were grim. Most of the kitten’s nerves were damaged beyond repair. The kitten would need lifelong care and assistance. Despite the dire prognosis, the kitten began to show signs of improvement after the operation, thanks to the dedicated care it received.

In a heartwarming turn of events, singer Kim Wan Sun, who had experience caring for cats with injuries, decided to adopt the kitten. She named him Superman, hoping he would live up to his name and overcome his challenges. With her loving care, Superman started to thrive, even showing signs of nerve recovery.

Superman received a custom wheelchair to help him move around, and despite initial hesitations, he quickly adapted, moving around energetically. Kim Wan Sun promised to give him all the love and care he needed, ensuring that Superman would live a happy, fulfilling life with his new family. Click here to watch the story unfold on Kritter Klub

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