Dog chained up living in a barrel is rescued

Most of the dogs we help here in China are stray animals with no homes. Every so often we find a dog or cat being treated badly by their owner. You can’t just take someone’s pet, even if it is obviously being treated badly.

Sometimes you can talk to the owner and they will let you take the animal if they didn’t really want it in the first place. If they aren’t willing to let you take the animal it’s always worth talking to them about how to treat animals and try to exchange contact details.

Often, a few days later they realise they don’t want the animal and will reach out. If not, you can always try to keep in contact and help guide them to looking after the animal better.

Images and story source credited to sidewalk special YouTube.

When I came across images of a dog in South Africa tied up with a rough metal chain sheltering outside somebodies home in a big blue barrel, I was shocked. The rescuers from Sidewalk Specials went to speak to the owner. They didn’t want to let their pet dog go.

The poor dog was all skin and bones and clearly not looked after well. The rescue team spoke to the owner about how to look after a dog better. They agreed to try to be better pet owners. A week later rescuers came back to check on the dog.

source: sidewalk special YouTube.

Nothing had changed, the dog was still living outside chained up. After another chat with the owner they agreed to let rescuers take the dog. Amazingly the dog could sense that these people were good, his tail was wagging and he was jumping up on them.

source: sidewalk special YouTube.

Maybe he was so happy because this was the first time he had some attention and as he was taken away he wasn’t afraid at all.

Life had been so tough for him that anything was better and he could sense these people were good people and going to look after him. It brings tears to your eyes when rescuing a dog like this and seeing how happy they are.

Now he is safe he can begin to recover and enjoy his life again while rescuers find him a home. Watch the story unfold below.

7 thoughts on “Dog chained up living in a barrel is rescued”

  1. So glad the people rescued them s poor dog …why own one when you trat it like this the heat not water no food skin and bones ..they should be arrested and fined ….I an sure 😊 l vng dog will find its forever home soon..🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️.

  2. I’m horrified about this poor baby. How long was he alive and inside that Barrel. He must have been going crazy in his mind and I don’t understand why the owner would even say we want to keep them I mean obviously they don’t love this dog why are they keeping him but thank God he’s been rescued and hopefully he’ll be going to a new family thank you

  3. Thankfully the story had a happy ending but I am so Disturbed with what this dog had to go through, and I really think it’s unfair that this man almost did not give the dog away, he was going to keep it, why, he has never loved this beautiful baby. People like him should be arrested or at the very least being forever banned from
    having an animal again. Thank you for sharing your story, can you please keep us updated on this beautiful pooch and if he’s been to see the Vet and how he’s doing.Thank you!! 🐾♥️🐕

  4. Hello I was just running for an update on that poor little fur baby who was living out of a barrel that you wonderful people rescued last week. I just want to know how he’s doing and if anybody with a decent heart has come by to see him. I get so enraged because the owner of this dog should be sent to jail for what he has done, it just makes me sick to my stomach. Thank you for all that you do to save animals, it is much appreciated

  5. I just cannot believe how someone could treat a dog in such a cruel way. 😥 I’m so glad Olive has been rescued and is now safe and well and loved. ❤❤❤


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