a missing dog is found duct-taped in dumpster

This story starts out rough, but it has a happy ending. As pet lovers all of our biggest fear is our fur babies going missing. All we can think of when this happens is are they ok, will they ever come home, I just want to cuddle them or see their tail wag with excitement again. They aren’t only an animal they are our family and we love them so dearly.

Unfortunately some bad people just don’t understand that animals have feelings too, just like us.

Imagine the shock and heartbreak when the staff at Sweet and Associates discovered a small dog in the dumpster behind their building.

Late at night, an employee had heard what she thought was a raccoon, but it was dark, and she didn’t feel comfortable investigating. The next morning, however, the heartbreaking truth was revealed.


Source : Facebook

The poor pup’s entire head was wrapped in duct tape, his front and back legs were taped together, and there was even tape around his tail. His fur was matted with food and debris, a pitiful sight that would break anyone’s heart. I just don’t understand how anybody could treat an animal like this.

“I have never seen anything like it,” said Kevin W, one of the staff members who made the discovery.

The Nebraska Humane Society (NHS) sprang into action as soon as they received the call. The little dog, found by microchip to be named Leo, was rushed to their facility. The staff sedated him to carefully remove the tape and clean off the gunk.

Source : Facebook

They had to shave him to get rid of all the debris, but throughout it all, Leo’s spirit remained remarkably resilient. He was a tough little dog.

After the tape was removed, he perked up, wagging his tail as the team gently assessed him. He had some mild skin irritation but was otherwise healthy.

Thanks to his microchip, NHS was able to contact Leo’s owner, Erin. She had been frantic since April 11, the day Leo went missing. She believed he had slipped out while she was taking her son to school.

Her relief and joy were palpable when she learned he had been found. What a relief for this poor lady worrying sick about her dog and to know what he went through is just so hard to stomach.

“He’s the sweetest dog! I don’t know why anyone would do this,” Erin said, tears streaming down her face. She was eager to bring Leo home, give him a soothing bath, and take him to the vet for a full check-up.

Source : Facebook

The dumpsters behind the business are isolated, and there are no cameras in the vicinity. It’s hard to fathom why anyone would treat an innocent animal so cruelly. How could anybody even think about doing this, they must be very sick people.

Thankfully, Leo was found just in time. About half an hour after NHS responded to the call, a trash truck arrived to empty the dumpster. Kevin W and Judy O from Sweet and Associates truly saved Leo’s life.

NHS is offering a $1000 reward for information leading to an arrest. While Leo’s story began with unimaginable cruelty, it ended with the kindness and compassion of strangers. It’s a reminder that, despite the heartless actions of some, there are still good people who will go out of their way to help an animal in need.

1 thought on “a missing dog is found duct-taped in dumpster”

  1. That was amazing . Leo survived after all . Hope very soon the guilty person pay in jail for this crime . Hugs to Leo God bless him 🙏🙏🙏


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