Puppies abandoned in hot trash

Who could possibly decide to abandoned puppies ? This behaviour is sickening to us and we can’t believe there are people who do cruel things to tiny innocent animals.

Isn’t it human nature to want to love and care for living creatures?

Do they not feel the loving nature of these precious puppies ?

puppies in cardboard box

Source: Paws Show Youtube

The litter of puppies in the photo were thrown away with the trash in a cardboard box. It’s a truly shocking image, the puppies have their tongue out and look hot all packed together in the box. How did they end up here?

A race to rescue the puppies

When an animal rescuer heard about these puppies he jumped onto his motorbike and began a long journey to find them. It was a race against time because the weather was so hot.

Dog’s can’t easily cool themselves down and when they have no water or food it’s a disaster waiting to happen. These little babies must have been boiling hot and dehydrated.

Source: Paws Show Youtube

The rescuer found the puppies and managed to take them to safety. That wasn’t the end of the story though.

When you rescue puppies you need to get them checked out and then wait a while before they can be vaccinated.

Luckily these puppies were healthy, even after such a difficult experience thrown away in the trash on a boiling hot day. We still can’t believe this happened, it’s such a relief to know the puppies are safe.

Just look at the babies eating in this photo. They were so hungry and thankful to be able to fill their bellies with tasty food and puppy milk.

Source: Paws Show Youtube

If the trash was collected sooner who knows whether somebody would have noticed them. Even if they did it could have been too late as they were starving and dehydrated.

It’s a blessing that people are willing to do everything to rescue precious animals. We are so thankful for everybody who supports animal rescue work.

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