puppy handed in to be euthanised for ‘not playing’ !

Here in China, we have fed hundreds of stray animals over the last few years. Some of these were clearly abandoned pets like Lumi the Pekingese dog, trying to adjust to life on the streets. It’s always sad to see an abandoned pet, knowing they once had a loving home. People come up with lots of reasons for abandoning their pets, and in this story, poor Simba the dog was abandoned for ‘not playing.’

images and story source credited to sidewalk specials.

Yes, you read that right! Poor Simba wasn’t playing much and didn’t live up to his family’s expectations. We think this is a poor reason for abandoning an animal, but it turns out the decision to get rid of little Simba was even worse than we thought.

It turns out that Simba wasn’t playing because he was sick with tick fever. When we are sick, we don’t want to play, and that’s just the same for animals. We often know our Corgi, Teeny, isn’t feeling too good when she doesn’t want to play or something changes in her behavior.

Tick fever, also known as canine ehrlichiosis, is caused by the bacterium Ehrlichia canis, which is transmitted through tick bites. This disease can be quite severe, leading to symptoms such as lethargy, fever, weight loss, and loss of appetite. It primarily affects the white blood cells, which are crucial for the immune system, making the dog more susceptible to other infections and illnesses.

When Simba was taken to the shelter, it was initially expected that he would be euthanized due to his poor condition and the shelter’s limited resources. However, the compassionate vets decided to give him a chance. They started him on a course of antibiotics to combat the tick fever, along with supportive care to help him regain his strength.

Simba’s recovery was slow but steady. The veterinary team monitored him closely, ensuring he received the best possible care. Tick fever can be a challenging illness to manage because it often requires long-term treatment and follow-up to ensure the infection is fully eradicated. The vets’ dedication to Simba’s recovery was evident in their careful handling of his case.

Interestingly, tick fever is not uncommon in regions where tick infestations are prevalent. Ticks are small parasitic arachnids that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians. They can transmit various diseases to both animals and humans. It’s essential for pet owners to regularly check their pets for ticks, especially after walks in grassy or wooded areas, and to use tick prevention treatments as recommended by veterinarians.

Simba’s condition was touch and go for a while. His immune system was compromised, and he required constant monitoring. However, thanks to the vets’ efforts and Simba’s resilience, he began to show signs of improvement. He started eating better, his energy levels increased, and he even began to show interest in toys and playing again.

After several weeks of intensive care and monitoring, Simba was well enough to leave the clinic. A foster home was found for him, where he could continue his recovery in a more relaxed environment. His foster family was experienced in caring for dogs with medical needs and provided the love and attention Simba needed to thrive.

In his foster home, Simba’s transformation was remarkable. The once lethargic and despondent puppy became lively and playful. His coat became shinier, his eyes brighter, and his overall demeanor happier. He began to trust humans again, forming a close bond with his foster family.

Simba’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of understanding and addressing the underlying causes of changes in a pet’s behavior. It’s easy to misinterpret a lack of playfulness as a behavioral issue when, in reality, it could be a sign of a serious health problem. Regular veterinary check-ups and paying close attention to any changes in behavior or health are crucial for ensuring our pets’ well-being.

Simba’s journey from being abandoned for ‘not playing’ to becoming a healthy, happy dog is a testament to the power of compassion and proper medical care. It’s also a stark reminder of the importance of tick prevention and the need for greater awareness of tick-borne diseases among pet owners.

Today, Simba is a symbol of resilience and hope. He found his forever home with a loving family that understands and appreciates him. His story has inspired many and serves as a reminder that every animal deserves a second chance, regardless of their circumstances.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where your pet’s behavior changes unexpectedly, remember Simba’s story. It might just be a sign that they need your help more than ever. And always, always consider the possibility that a medical issue might be at play. With love, care, and the right treatment, even the most desperate cases can have a happy ending. Watch the full video below.

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