Scared stray kitten trusts a human for the first time

Rescuing stray cats is all about building trust. We feed many animals on the streets of China and often our rescues are animals who have got to know us over a long time. Sometimes a very very long time! How about your rescues, how long did it take you to be able to feed them or pet them?

We find that building trust with a stray animal who might have had a difficult life, is a slow process. Food plays a big part in speeding this up, especially yummy boiled chicken, our secret animal rescue tool!. In this story a tiny kitten has entered a kitty house built in a park where stray cats can come for shelter.

images and story credited to stray paws of Istanbul YouTube.

He came in because there was some tasty food that tempted him. Kittens aren’t afraid of food but when a rescuer showed up and tried to come closer to the kitten, the little guy wasn’t having any of it.

He showed some fierce and scared kitty teeth, asking the rescuer to back off a bit please. He just wants to fill his little belly with some tasty food, not be touched by big scary human hands.

Over the next few days the rescuer manages to build trust with the kitty, being patient and gradually moving close enough to touch the kitty gently. It might seem like such a simple thing but it takes lots of patience and love to build trust with an animal and when you build a bond with a stray animal for the first time it is such a lovely and heartwarming experience.

Cats can read humans intentions pretty well so they can sense whether you are being gentle and want to help them, especially after eating your food a few times and knowing it was safe to eat.

Once they have built trust with you, finding their forever home become easier because they understand humans better and know some of us just want to love them and give them the chance to live a happy and safe life.

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