Stray kitten picks a dog as her mum

We have all heard of stories of one kind of animal mothering a different animal or human, if only in the jungle book!. Even though the idea of one animal looking after a completely different animal isn’t new it never fails to touch me. Today’s story really hit me in the feels. It could be because of the tiny size of the kitten or the gentle nature of the dog.

But I think mostly its because seeing a tiny animal trust a much bigger animal and that bigger animal knowing naturally how to be gentle and help another creature is an amazing example of nature and the natural sense of love all creatures have.

This tale unfolds in the scenic landscapes of Greece, a place I once visited, where stray cats are as much a part of the scenery as the ancient ruins themselves. One day, a little kitten, no bigger than a teacup, decides to approach a gentle giant – a dog named Toast, out for a walk with her owner. Despite their size difference, Toast instinctively knows how to care for this tiny, furry creature seeking warmth and companionship

The dogs owner asks her dog to be gentle, but this big loving dog already knows exactly how to handle a tiny kitten coming over to say hello. It becomes clear that the incredibly cute and innocent kitty is all alone. When kittens reach a few months old and can look after themselves their mother often lets them go. This time can be really challenging for a stray kitten. Using their natural instincts and any training given by mum, they are quickly needing to find their own food and water to survive.

This tiny kitten, having found a big new friend, decided to follow big dog Toast home. It quickly turns from friendship into Toast adopting and becoming the new mum for little kitty who is all alone in the world and wants the connections, love and warmth of a mother. At feeding time kitty jumps into his new mums food bowl and they both eat together. I’m not sure our Corgi teeny would be quite so happy to share her food bowl, she does everything to protect it. Dogs can change habit when they sense another animal in need and begin to form a connection with them.

Toast forms a real close bond with kitty, helping her up onto the sofa and lifting her up using her mouth to move her away from the dangerous and deep swimming pool. Surprisingly kitty then starts to breast feed from Toast. I didn’t know this before but sometimes dogs can start to produce milk in an emergency ghost pregnancy like this one. I really love seeing Toast and kitty together in this video. You can watch it below.

Exploring the Power of Animal Bonds

The story of Toast and the tiny kitten is a beautiful example of the remarkable bonds that can form between animals of different species. It demonstrates the innate nurturing instincts that animals can display, even in unexpected circumstances. The idea of a dog adopting a kitten might sound unusual, but it’s not unheard of. There are numerous instances where animals have shown compassion and care for others, transcending species boundaries.

The Science Behind Cross-Species Adoption

Research shows that animals, especially domesticated ones, have a profound capacity for empathy and social bonding. Dogs, in particular, are known for their strong nurturing instincts, which can extend beyond their species. This behavior is often observed in situations where the animals have been raised in a nurturing environment themselves.

How Pets Can Foster Emotional Healing

The bond between Toast and the kitten is not only heartwarming but also illustrates how pets can aid in emotional healing. Animals have a unique ability to sense distress and provide comfort, which can be therapeutic for both the animals involved and their human caregivers. Studies have shown that interaction with pets can reduce stress and anxiety levels, promoting overall well-being. I often like to sit and meditate with my cat Lychee, he loves to purr and the healing energy of a cat’s purr is very healing and calming for everyone around and for a cats owns nervous system.

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