The way a homeless man celebrates his dogs birthday made us cry

If we could choose to celebrate our birthday with anybody we’d always choose our beloved pets. Dogs are the most loyal animal and will show you all their love everyday. Dogs can sense when we are happy or sad and they know if it’s a special day.

Celebrating our birthday with our pets around is special, but what’s even more amazing is being able to celebrate our pets birthdays too. One man who knows this only too well is a man called Choco.

homeless man celebrating dogs birthday

source: india times

He was living on the streets with his beloved dogs Shaggy and Nena. A passer by noticed him from a distance sat on a step with his dogs. The dogs had birthday hats on and he was preparing a birthday cake.

source: india times

In what is a beautiful moment, Choco lights two candles, pets his dogs and blows them out. He then cuts up a slice of cake for Shaggy first, its shaggy’s special day. Next is Nena, who is faster to start to eat the cake than Shaggy. Maybe he’s got a sweeter tooth.

Then heartbreakingly Coco begins to cry, life is emotional on the streets. The tears are a mixture or sadness at his difficult life but also joy at having the most loving and amazing dogs by his side. After the tears he gives his beloved dogs lots of cuddles and affection.

Source: Instagram

This story went viral and Choco started to get some support. He now has his own instagram page under the name soychocco and we hope he will be able to get back up on his feet and fulfil his dream of one day opening a pet rescue centre.

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