Tiny blistered puppy surrendered in box outside shelter

Abby is the sweetest little puppy who will wag her tail as you cuddle her all day long. For some unknown reason, that as a compassionate human it’s almost impossible to relate to, she was abandoned outside a shelter with her face covered in blisters. It’s heartbreaking to imagine somebody placing her inside a box, knowing she is already suffering with blisters.

abandoned puppy with blisters on face

Source: The Dodo

Thankfully, the person who abandoned her, left her directly outside the shelter. The shelter staff quickly brought Abby inside, their hearts heavy with concern. She was just a tiny little thing, trembling with fear, and covered in blisters that marred her sweet face.

Despite her condition, there was something about her—a resilience, a spark of life that couldn’t be extinguished. Her tail, although weak, still wagged gently as she looked up at the people who were now her only hope.

Source: The Dodo

They placed her in a small, warm bed, hoping to bring her some comfort. As she lay there, barely moving, one of the staff members gently called her name. Her ears twitched, and slowly, her tail began to wag more vigorously, back and forth, as if she understood that she was safe now, that these were the people who would do everything they could to help her.

It was as if Abby knew, deep down, that she had been rescued, and she clung to that hope with all the strength her little body could muster.

Over the next two weeks, Abby’s condition remained a challenge. The blisters on her face didn’t seem to improve, despite the vet’s best efforts. They tried everything—skin tests, blood tests, a range of treatments—but nothing seemed to work.

Source: The Dodo

The staff watched helplessly as she retreated into her kennel, crying softly and refusing to be touched. It was heartbreaking to see her like this, and everyone feared the worst. They worried that Abby might not make it, that the trauma she had endured was too great for her small body to overcome.

But then, something miraculous happened. Slowly, Abby began to emerge from her shell. It started with small steps—she ventured out of her kennel more often, sniffing around curiously. The other dogs at the shelter seemed to sense her fragility, and they welcomed her with gentle nudges and playful bows.

Abby began to respond, wagging her tail more confidently and even sitting for treats when offered. It was as if the presence of the other dogs, their unspoken understanding and companionship, helped her find the strength to fight back.

Source: The Dodo

The day Abby first showed real excitement was a turning point. She had begun to recognize the staff members who cared for her, greeting them with a wagging tail and a sparkle in her eyes that hadn’t been there before. Her eyes, once clouded with fear and pain, now shone with the beginnings of trust. Every time someone approached her, she would try to lift herself up, eager to interact, to feel the warmth of human touch.

Her progress was slow but steady. Abby started playing with toys, something she had never done before. At first, she was unsure, batting them hesitantly with her paw. But with time, she grew bolder, chasing after balls and even attempting to play fetch. She had a mischievous side too, pulling the stuffing out of pillows whenever she got the chance, a sign that her playful puppy spirit was returning.

Walks became a favorite part of her day. Abby would sniff everything in sight, her nose twitching as she took in all the new smells. She loved to run, her tiny legs carrying her as fast as they could, as if she were trying to leave behind all the pain she had endured.

Despite the blisters that had left her face hairless, and her adult teeth that came in with a charming underbite, Abby had a resilience that was impossible to ignore. Her unique appearance only added to her charm, making her smile all the more endearing.

Source: The Dodo

Every milestone Abby reached was a cause for celebration. The staff couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride and joy each time she showed a new sign of progress. The tiny, fragile puppy they had found in that box was gone, replaced by a dog who was learning to trust, to play, to love. Abby had come so far from the scared little pup she once was, and the transformation was nothing short of miraculous.

Now, Abby is a completely different dog. She no longer cowers in her kennel or cries from fear. Instead, she spends her days playing, exploring, and enjoying the life she nearly lost.

The memory of the tiny, suffering puppy in the box is still there, but it’s overshadowed by the joyful, confident dog she has become. Abby’s journey from abandonment to recovery is a testament to her strength, her will to live, and the power of love and care in healing even the deepest wounds.

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