Two scruffy helpless puppies sneak into a school

Puppies are cute and lovable and adorable. It doesn’t matter how dirty and scruffy they look, people still can’t help falling in love with them. It’s in our human nature to want to help and care for precious young animals. A lady called Suzette Hall felt this feeling very strongly when her teacher friend told her about two puppies that had appeared in her school.

abandoned puppies in school bathroom

Source : Suzette Hall

For two days, the two stray dogs roamed around the grounds of the school, uncertain and scared. It was clear they were lost, and they needed help. That help came in the form of the dedicated rescuer, Suzette Hall, who, despite numerous setbacks, was determined to save them.

The rescuer’s day started with an unfortunate twist—her van broke down on the freeway while she was on her way to rescue the dogs. It was a moment of frustration, but she didn’t let that deter her. She knew these dogs needed her. Her friend, Andi Martinez, a teacher at the school, had been in touch and kept her updated on the dogs’ situation.

During the chaos with the van, Andi messaged to say that the janitor had managed to get the dogs into a bathroom, offering them a temporary safe haven.

Without wasting any time, the rescuer returned her van to the shop and quickly swapped it for her smaller car. She crammed her dog trap into the car and headed straight to the school. When she finally arrived and saw the dogs, she was heartbroken. The poor animals were filthy, with matted fur and dreadlocks that spoke of their time on the streets. Andi had tried to feed them her lunch, but the picky eaters left broccoli scattered everywhere, seemingly unimpressed by the offering.

Source : Suzette Hall

Despite their fear, the rescuer was determined to bring them to safety. After some patient and careful maneuvering, she managed to corner them and get them into her trap. These two little ragamuffins—one boy and one girl—were finally safe. Exhausted from their ordeal, they quickly fell asleep in the trap, perhaps the first peaceful sleep they had had in days.

Thanks to the combined efforts of the school staff—Andi, the janitor, and the other teachers—these sweet dogs no longer had to wait in fear. They were safe, and their journey to healing could finally begin. The rescuer couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude to everyone who had played a part in saving these innocent lives.

Source : Suzette Hall

As she looked at the two sleeping dogs, she knew their past was behind them. Layer by layer, they would heal from their trauma. This rescue was done in loving memory of her angel, a reminder that every life saved is a tribute to the ones we’ve lost. This story reminds of very much of these adorable puppies.

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