For the last 50 years, an elephant named Kumari has been enslaved, living a life bound by heavy chains and enduring severe malnutrition. Today marks a remarkable day in her life, as she embarks on a journey to freedom. This is her story.

images and story source credited to the dodo.
Kumari’s plight was discovered by a dedicated animal rescuer who first saw her in a dire state. A 30-foot chain, weighing hundreds of pounds, was wrapped around her neck. Her head showed the severe signs of malnutrition, caving in due to a lack of proper nutrition.
She was on the brink of starvation, and the rescuer knew that time was of the essence. The urgency to get her to a sanctuary was growing.

After years of confinement, Kumari’s chains were finally removed, marking the beginning of her new life. The feeling of liberating her from those chains was indescribable, and it all culminated in that single, powerful moment of release.
However, the journey to the sanctuary was not immediate. Kumari was released from her chains, but the sanctuary was still a day’s walk away. There was a sense of confusion initially as Kumari adjusted to her newfound freedom.

The rescuers took frequent breaks, offering her mangoes and pineapples to sustain her and keep her spirits up. These breaks were not only necessary for her physical well-being but also served to motivate and encourage her.
Arriving at the sanctuary was a moment of pure joy and relief. Kumari was about to meet a new herd and make friends for the first time in decades. Her ears flapped enthusiastically, a clear sign of her happiness and comfort, akin to a dog wagging its tail. Seeing her so content was a gratifying experience for everyone involved.

The next day, Kumari was introduced to another recently rescued elephant. The two elephants began to bond, and it was clear that Kumari was adapting well to her new environment.
The sanctuary staff were thrilled to see her living chain-free and starting to enjoy a life where she could get healthy and happy with her new friend.
The story of Kumari’s rescue began with a simple yet profound act of inspiration. The rescuer, moved by a documentary on the abuse of Asian elephants, decided to take action. Within hours of watching the documentary, he bought a plane ticket to Southeast Asia with the intent to rescue an elephant.
This act of compassion happened to coincide with his birthday, leading him to make a personal vow: every year, he would rescue an elephant as a birthday gift to himself and to the world.
To date, he has rescued four elephants, each with their own harrowing stories and joyous recoveries. His hope is that people will stop supporting elephant riding camps, which are often mistakenly seen as sanctuaries.
In reality, any camp that allows riding is contributing to the suffering of these majestic animals. Elephants are not meant to be ridden; their place is in the wild, roaming freely as they were meant to.
The ultimate vision is a world where elephants can live without the threat of exploitation, roaming through unspoiled lands as nature intended. While the journey for each rescued elephant begins with a difficult past, it leads to a future filled with hope and freedom, just like Kumari’s incredible transformation.
Her story serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that dedicated individuals can have on the lives of these magnificent creatures, turning despair into joy and freedom.
I thank GOD everyday for people like you we live in A very CRUEL WORLD where animals should be treated like family NOT TRASH