Incredible rescue of tiny puppies stuck in tar

Three little puppies were trapped in a pool of thick and sticky tar. Tar is so sticky, the poor babies couldn’t move at all. What a horrible sight, three tiny puppies crying out trying desperately to move but completely unable to. All these tiny babies wanted was to explore, find food and try to survive a challenging life on the streets.

Rescuers found them and the tar had solidified so tightly around them that they couldn’t pick the puppies up. The only was they would have a chance of saving them was to lift up the entire block of tar stuck to the ground below them. Just look at the poor puppy covered all over with thick black tar as they manage to lift one up. We couldn’t help but shed a few tears as he cried out, we had to turn the sound off.

One puppies mouth is stuck open and it’s proving difficult to get them out of the tar. Thankfully the rescuers continue the battle and manage to lift out all over the puppies. This is only the start of the rescue operation though, one puppies mouth is stuck open because of the tar and another whole body and face and nose is covered in tar. It’s a race against time to save them. They look so black, almost like sea animals caught in an oil slick and washed ashore.

The puppies are so thirsty and as rescuers and vets begin to try to remove the tar, they feed them water using syringes. Tar is really difficult to remove and they apply oil gently onto them to try and begin to loosen and soften it. After 2 long and difficult hours the tar begins to loosen. The poor babies are exhausted and can barely keep their eyes open as the cleaning continues for hours.

As more and more tar washes off their faces you can see just how adorable these poor puppies are. After hours of work the puppies could stand up and walk but were still covered in a lot of tar. Over the next 3 days they continue to have many oil baths to wash off the remaining black tar.

Rescued didn’t know if the babies would survive such a long time trapped in tar unable to move and all the trauma of being stuck and having the tar washed off for days.

They were resilient and strong and brave though and managed to survive. After many days searching rescuers also found the babies mother and brought her to them. she began to feed them and as they adjusted to their safe environment they bonded closely with rescuers and felt relaxed and safe enough to play and begin to enjoy life again.

You can watch this tense story and incredibly happy ending unfold in the video below. If you enjoyed seeing these beautiful puppies saved, you might enjoy reading about the rescue of a beautiful poodle from the streets or the many dogs rescued from kill shelters.

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