Tiny fruit bat clinging on about to be washed down drain

Fruit bats are a very cute little creatures. They are known as “flying foxes,” and are so important for our ecosystems. Even though they are tiny they play a crucial role in pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds, supporting the health and regeneration of forests.

Despite their importance, these nocturnal creatures often find themselves in peril, especially in urban areas where their natural habitats overlap with human infrastructure.

A Close Call in the Storm

source: little red book

It was a typical rainy afternoon when a local wildlife enthusiast noticed something unusual in the gutter. Amidst the swirling rainwater, a small fruit bat was struggling to stay afloat, its wings battered by the strong currents. The bat, which had likely been disoriented by the rain was moments away from being swept down a drain.

The Heroic Rescue

With no time to spare, the rescuer sprang into action. Armed with nothing but a leaf and a lot of determination, they managed to carefully scoop up the soaked bat just before it was pulled into the drain. The bat clung to the leaf, exhausted but alive.

source: little red book

Recovery and Release

After being safely transported to a local wildlife rehabilitation center, the fruit bat was given the care it desperately needed. Over the next few days, it regained its strength, thanks to the efforts of dedicated rescuer. The bat began its life in its new home, ready to fly around outside and continue its role as one of nature’s most essential pollinators. Just look at that cute little face, isn’t he adorable!

source: little red book

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